The latest community-led health news and updates from the CHEX team
On 12th March, more than 80 people from across the CHEX network came together in Stirling to learn and reflect about their work supporting their communities and tackling Scotland's health inequalities.
Our resource hub is a one-stop shop for useful materials, including explainers on key topics, helpful infographics, and signposts to relevant policy, research and online tools.
In this blog, David Walsh and Gerry McCartney discuss the disastrous effects that austerity policies have had on life expectancy - exacerbating health inequalities and causing many people in our most vulnerable communities to lead shorter, less healthy lives.
The report outlines key findings and is being used to inform the policy development on the future fees for Disclosure Scotland services.
It was great to see so many people at our first ideas clinic online event! We had some great discussion and useful information- sharing, as well as making a space for people to access peer support from others in our sector.
Keeping up to date with what community led health organisations and practitioners are doing to improve people’s health and wellbeing is an important part of the job for the CHEX team.
One way that we are doing this is linking in with local and regional health and wellbeing networks across the country.
In this blog, Sarah Boath, Head of Programme for CHEX reflects on the challenging funding landscape, discussing the need to think of health and wellbeing services not as short-term projects to fund with money in a budget, but as a long-term investment of resources, time, skill and commitment.
Fair and efficient funding and resourcing is an ongoing issue facing the community-led health sector and this policy response is part of the ongoing work of the CHEX team influencing policy in this area.
We’re excited to announce that we’ll holding the first CHEX ideas clinic online event from 10am - 12pm on 5th December.
The CHEX team out and about: Sarah was in Edinburgh, meeting with Michelle from LGBT Health and Wellbeing at their offices in Leith.
The first issue of Snippets was published around 2003 which means we've been bringing you the latest community-led health happenings for more than 20 years!
We've been working hard over the last few months to collate and create some new community-led health resources, which we hope will provide useful and relevant information to help support the CHEX network and other people working in and around community-led health.
Join us for the launch event of our newly revamped and updated Health Issues In the Community course for young people.
Have your say: contribute to the SCDC and CHEX response to the Scottish Government’s call for views on third sector funding.
The CHEX team out and about: Sarah was in Dundee, meeting with Wendy and her team from Wellbeing Works.
In this blog, SCDC Director Susan Paxton asks why reducing Scotland’s worsening health inequalities isn’t Scotland’s most urgent mission – and what needs to change to make this happen.
Scottish Communities for Health and Wellbeing is dedicated to promoting and delivering health improvements and reducing health inequalities in many of Scotland’s communities in most need.
The Community Wellbeing Exchange gives community organisations access to up to £1000 for mental health activities provided by social enterprises
CHEX is inviting any network members with a social enterprise element to their work to apply to have their services added to a programme of activities around mental health which will be on offer as part of this year’s Community Wellbeing Exchange.
The CHEX annual conference is a chance to come together to explore the key issues for community-led health in Scotland.
The Community Wellbeing Exchange gives community organisations access to £1000 for mental health activities provided by social enterprises
Earlier this year, CHEX submitted a response to the Scottish Parliament Inquiry into Health Inequalities. We thought we’d summarise the key points we made in our submission.
The Scottish Government and NHS Assure have developed a draft Climate Emergency and Sustainability Strategy 2022 to 2026 for NHS Scotland. A consultation on the draft is open until the 10th March 2022.
CHEX is helping People’s Health Trust with a survey to gather views on the state of mental health within the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS). The results will be part of a People’s Health Trust-led campaign to ask the government to recognise and address the mental health of VCS workers.
The Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport committee have published a survey for people to give their experiences of alternative pathways to primary care, which could include,among other things, many community-led health activities and anything termed social prescribing.
Near Me is NHS Scotland’s free online video consulting service for health and care. Community organisations can use it in their work and may also want to help raise awareness of it among their community.
SENScot, SCHW and CHEX are inviting expressions of interest in this programme which will enable 20 community organisations across Scotland to purchase a wide range of mental health & wellbeing focused activities and services supplied by social enterprises and third sector organisations.
CHEX recently submitted our response to the Scottish Government’s National Care Service consultation. We’ve summarised our response to what was a very detailed consultation document, which should hopefully get across the key points without making you have to read through the whole thing.
A new report shows how giving community organisations small pots of funding to buy in mental health focused activities and services from social enterprises can make a real difference to the health of people, workers and local organisations.
CHEX is preparing to develop a submission to the Scottish Government’s National Care Service consultation and we’d like to invite our network to help shape our response.