We work with community-led health organisations, Local Authorities, the NHS and Scottish Government to promote community-led health as a way to tackle Scotland’s persistent health inequalities.

CHEX is a Scotland-wide network and works at local, regional and national levels. We’re part of the Scottish Community Development Centre - the lead body for community development.

What we do

  • We support networking between people and organisations working in community-led health and related sectors to encourage the sharing of learning and facilitate conversations and peer support.

  • We host events and conferences to bring people together to share skills, generate ideas and discussion on the important and topical issues affecting community-led health.

  • We provide quality information on community-led health and other relevant topics, through our website resources, as well as publications, briefings and consultation responses.

  • We provide current awareness and topical information to our network through the fortnightly Snippets bulletin.

  • We work alongside our network to amplify their voices with their contributions to CHEX responses to consultations and calls for views, as well as encouraging the network to become involved in our survey and interview research.

  • We are the home of Health Issues in the Community (HIIC), an interactive training course used to increase understanding of community-led health.

  • We also provide other training opportunities promoting the benefits of community-led health.

  • Regionally, we work with NHS and Local Authorities to encourage partnership working with community-led health organisations.

  • At the Scottish Government we influence policy through collaborative work and participation in working groups, to advocate for community-led health as part of the solution to Scotland’s health inequalities.