Our network is open to every individual working in or interested in community-led health across all sectors, including voluntary and community organisations, NHS, local authority and beyond.

By joining CHEX you can:

  • Receive Snippets, our long-running fortnightly bulletin featuring the latest news, campaigns, events, funding, vacancies, training and more from across the community health sector and beyond. Read the latest and past issues here.

  • Have the opportunity to give your input into CHEX policy briefings and consultation responses, amplifying your voice and enabling you to feed into a wider range of policy/consultation areas.

  • Share your community-led health learning and practice with facilitated, quality networking and peer support.

  • Get the chance to showcase your work and share practice through leading or participating in workshops and learning sessions at the annual CHEX Conference.

  • Gain access to information and resources on community-led health, including upcoming resources like presentation slides and useful explainers.

Community-led health organisations can also apply to join our database.


You can read our privacy policy here - we won’t spam you or share your email with anyone else.