CHEX ideas clinic in December - roundup and useful links
/An ideas clinic is an informal, peer learning and support event where people can come together to get into the nuts and bolts of community-led health, discuss your experiences and talk about new ideas and tricky problems.
Thanks to everyone who joined us at the very first CHEX Ideas Clinic – we hope you found the new format useful as a way to facilitate in-depth and supportive discussion of some very complex issues and make links with colleagues and contacts in different organisations.
We’ve pulled together a short roundup of some of the key points and a few helpful resources shared during the session.
We are always collecting examples of community-led health in action for our resource hub, so if you missed your chance to share your work or would like to tell us about anything you’ve been working on, or have any questions about the ideas clinic please do get in touch.
Email Sheena from our team who is always happy to chat!