Midlothian Active Choices

Midlothian Active Choices (MAC) is a physical activity referral service for adults in Midlothian who are currently suffering from mild/moderate mental health conditions, weight management problems, or long term or chronic illnesses. The service is an NHS funded partnership project between the East & Midlothian Community Health Partnership and Midlothian Council and is based on the objectives of the National Physical Activity Straegy Lets Make Scotland More Active and the Midlothian Joint Health Improvement Plan (JHIP). Initial referral to the project can be done through GP or any other Health Practitioner.

This is followed up by a one to one motivational type interview with the co-ordinator, who then helps the client devise a series of goals, which they will aim to achieve through a 12 week action plan of physical activity that is specific to their individual likes, ability and needs. Support is provided throughout the 12 weeks, (4, 8 and 12 weeks) in order to provide motivation and to give advice or help with changes to the goals the client has set.

Website: https://www.activemidlothian.org.uk/healthy-lifestyles/midlothian-active-choices-96