Archie Child Bereavement Services

Archie’s Child Bereavement Service is a charity dedicated to providing bereavement support services to children and young people across Scotland including Grampian, Tayside and the Highlands

What We Offer In All Branches: 

Telephone and email support, WhatsApp support groups, social media and newsletter to:

  • Raise awareness of the impact of bereavement on children and young people.

  • Assist children and young people to access appropriate bereavement support, including counselling, through signposting and effective networking.

  • Provide resources, information, guidance and support to the families and carers of bereaved children and young people.

Responder Service to provide:

  • Direct support to bereaved children and young people.

  • Memory building activities and emotional support.

  • Advice, guidance and support to the parents and carers of bereaved children and young people.


  • Access to free websites and chatrooms for additional bereavement support.

  • Age and stage appropriate books related to individual circumstances.

  • Provide resources, information, guidance and support to bereaved children and young people

Training and Consultation:

For professionals and voluntary groups working with children and young people.

Exclusively to Grampian

Activity Days which:

  • Provide opportunities for children and young people to come together to share activities and memory work in a safe and supportive environment.

  • Build confidence and promote resilience.

  • Give parents and carers of bereaved children the opportunity to come together in a supportive environment.

How to Contact us: 

Website:    Archie's Child Bereavement Service - Archie
Facebook:  The Archie Foundation | Facebook

Grampian- Telephone: 01224 554152         Email:

Tayside-  Telephone: 07563394606                Email:

Highlands-  Telephone:  07563396155       Email: