21st Century Families

21st Century Families is a group of mums, dads and other carers who have joined forces with educational professionals in the East Kilbride area in response to the challenge of raising a healthy, happy and resilient child in the 21st Century. In an electronic, media rich age, children are being fast tracked through childhood by marketing forces which influence childrens diet, games, fashion and accessories.

More children in Britain are being diagnosed with learning disorders (e.g. ADHD), obesity and depression, while crime rates are rising. Through our workshops, road shows and presentations, we try to show how to balance old and new we share our thoughts and provide some down to earth advice and ideas for other parents and carers in helping to reclaim our childrens childhood and improve their well-being in the future.

Email: 21stcenturyfamilies@gmail.com
Web: www.21stcenturyfamilies.com