The right foundations - new CHEX briefing
/What if we applied the same principles behind our response to coronavirus to tackling health inequalities and climate change?
That’s key question behind our new briefing on building a just and sustainable country after coronavirus. The Scottish Government has set out and embarked on its framework for recovery, emphasising then need to involve everyone in helping to improve on what was there before.
We argue that by building on the fantastic community-led response to Covid-19 and by making use of great ways for everyone to take part (e.g. citizens assemblies) we can build a more just and sustainable country which really begins to tackle long-term health inequalities.
Our key messages are:
Preventing harm and protecting health and wellbeing means having a serious nation-wide dialogue regarding our economy, particularly around the redistribution of wealth from rich to poor through taxation.
Building on the community-sector response to Covid-19 must be at the heart of Scotland’s recovery effort if we are to build back better.
Community development approaches can ensure the voices of people with lived experience of poverty and inequality are heard.
Funding, community capacity building and investment in partnership-building is needed to ensure that every community in Scotland can be as resilient as many have been during the Covid-19 crisis.