This resource page is here to support your learning in tackling health inequalities. The resources were originally gathered together to support a learning event health in collaboration with Public Health Scotland in January 2024.

Jump to the resource list.

At the event, than 60 people came together to explore how community-led health approaches support their work tackling health inequalities in Scotland. Participants explored the learning around community-led health, discussed how best to enable collaboration across sectors and how to help build the skills, knowledge and confidence to work with communities on their priorities.

The event heard from PHS Chief Executive, Paul Johnston, who outlined the scale of the challenge around
Scotland's worsening health inequalities, and how
community-led health is part of the solution in
addressing this pressing issue.

Throughout day we heard from examples and took part in participative discussions, with a series of key priorities emerging:

  • We need to focus on relationship building between sectors, local and national agencies and with communities. In person opportunities are the best way to build trust and effective networks.

  • Explore creating spaces focussed on health inequalities and community-led health that enable practitioners to contextualise their own experience within the national context and improve practice.

  • Reach the wider workforce to raise their awareness of the social determinants of health and their contribution to tackling health inequalities.

  • Enable practitioners to share knowledge, skill, data and expertise across sectors, teams, communities, and agencies.

Event resources


Whatever your role or your current level of knowledge or experience in the field this page is designed to provide you with a range of links to relevant information, resources and research.

We know the impact health inequalities have across Scotland, and how these avoidable differences impact health outcomes between different people and population groups. 

Community-led health helps to tackle these inequalities by bringing people together in their communities and supporting them to take action on what’s important to them – leading to increased health, wellbeing and influence through collective action. 

Read our latest briefing: Health inequalities in Scotland – Meeting Our Shared Challenge

Useful websites and organisations

These organisation’s websites will give you an introduction to the concepts of community led health and insight into the types of work currently being undertaken in this area.  Some are member organisations which will enable you to find out about organisations or work happening in your area. 

Public Health Scotland
CHEX FAQs on health inequalities and community-led health
Health Issues in the Community
Scottish Communities for Health and Wellbeing
Voluntary Health Scotland
Scottish Community Development Centre

Research and data

There is a lot of information available on communities and health inequalities.  Some of you may use research and data routinely in your work and for others of you this may be a new area. 

There are also locally-produced needs assessments and information on health inequalities and communities in your area.  All Health & Social Care Partnerships have a duty to produce a local strategic needs assessment which would be a good place to start.  Community Planning partnerships produce Local Outcome Improvement Plans and there will also be local community plans covering smaller community areas not only outlining health inequalities and needs but the priorities that local communities have already identified. 

Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation Tools
Improvement Service: Community planning outcomes profile
Improvement Service: Place and wellbeing collaborative
Glasgow Centre for Population Health
Public Health Observatory Scotland
Understanding Scottish Places
Open Data Scotland
Common Health Assets
Public health approach to prevention and the role of NHS Scotland
Scottish Burden of Disease Study

Guidance, policy and toolkits

These are links to practical tools and resources which you can use to support the development of your own approach to community led health and tackling health inequalities.  Of particular relevance are: how to embed community development approaches; community engagement; influencing change; and planning and delivering services alongside individuals and communities. 

National Standards for community engagement
HIS Framework for participation & engagement
Planning with People Guidance
Community led health logic model
Community-Led Health for All: Developing Good Practice - A Learning Resource
Place-based approaches and health - the Place Standard Tool
VOICE Community Engagement Planning Software
Introduction to Co-Production
These relevant resources were published by Public Health England:
Health matters: community-centred approaches for health and wellbeing
Community-centred public health: taking a whole system approach

Online training and learning

These are interactive resources for you and colleagues who wish to increase your knowledge and build your skills.

Course: Health inequalities - learning hub | PHS Learning
Breaking barriers to reducing inequalities
Demonstrating your impact on health inequalities
Evaluation Support Scotland: Recognising our rich tapestry

Videos and infographics

These resources can be an accessible and visual way to learn the basics on some of the complex topics relating to health inequalities and community-led health.

Health inequalities and community-led health infographic Community-led health logic model (PDF)
Power – A Health & Social Justice Issue
What is Community Development?
Health Issues In the Community – explainer animation